We see too many newsletters that promise the world, overburden us with information we don’t need and in general are just a pain to read.

That’s why I’m starting my own newsletter, Notadeepdive, a publication that tells you - in clear terms - what’s happening in business and technology in Nigeria. 

If you like ideas that are clear and simple, that can be argued about while having a beer (or two) this is the newsletter for you.

There’ll be no graphs or weirdly drawn sketches (we’ve got Ben Thompson for that) and no rambles that you need to struggle through all day because somebody in the internet swore it’s a newsletter for smart people. 

Notadeepdive will hit your inbox twice a week, once on Friday, just before you kick off all your big plans for your weekend, and then on Sunday, when you’re preparing for the new week and you need to be back to your sharpest.

Subscribe to Notadeepdive

Your weekly dose of business and technology news you care about.
