All round good article. I thoroughly enjoyed your musing about the talent shortage.

Talent pipelines powered by deepening relationships between town and gown have never been more important for all of Corporate Nigeria and not just tech startups. Amazon is just the biggest player to have come into the market. Others have come before with varying degrees of success and more will follow as the global talent shortage bites even harder and companies all over try to innovate their way out of this recession.

Nigerian universities are at a critical juncture if they can become creative in their search for funding sources and the relationships they choose to cultivate. University departments that are tech or tech-adjacent stand to gain distinct advantages by pairing up with willing and forward-thinking companies to solve this challenge which isn't going away any time soon.

With regards to Flutterwave there is a sense that they have played fast and loose. They will need to step up and eat their greens. Regardless of how they come out of this probe by the Kenyans, there's something in their corporate culture that isn't kosher. Kicking their founder up to the chairman's office and bringing in a safe pair of hands to run the shop might be a good place to start.


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