Notadeepdive is certainly a lot less enjoyable than it used to be a few months ago. I understand that the newsletter has grown and you have to plug your sponsors, but it's excessive and not done fluidly so it feels like I'm being bombarded by an ad every minute like on YouTube.

This particular piece wasn't it at all. You started with the phenomenon of jogging in Senegal that essentially went nowhere and abruptly changed direction into a written ad for Wave, after already inserting Trademark abi whatever at the beginning. It's irritating and honestly a turnoff that makes these mails pile in my inbox and my friends agree. I used to look forward to these but now they're just tiresome ads with bits of interesting updates scattered around them.

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I disagree with the comment above.I enjoyed reading this. I love the Senegal part, although the coast and Lagos part I didn't really get because I'm not a Lagosian. I'll be heading to read the links you shared about what you've been reading

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